Gift8Lives at Baker!
Hello everyone, and welcome to this month's blog post. This month was very important, because I talked to two middle school health...

Donate Life Month!
Hello everyone, and welcome to an extra-special blog post! As you may know(from the title) April is Donate Life Month, and I have a lot...

Carnegie Hall and Nascar Donate Life!
Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well, and happy early April Fool's! Carnegie Hall So as part of our school orchestra's yearly...

The Secretary of State Branch Office
Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well. Spring fever is setting in for most people(definitely for me!), and I can't wait for...

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year everyone! It's 2017, and that means a whole new year to look forward to. I'm sure 2017 will be a great year for the organ...

The Virtuali-Tee!
Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing well, and happy holidays! Let's get started with this month's blog! So for my Christmas present,...

Volunteer Training, iOS 10, and More!
Hello everyone! Before I get into what I've been up to, I'd just like to apologize for the very late post. I've been very busy with...

My Story
It was the first day of eighth grade. The school was buzzing with excitement. Students were reminiscing about their summer, checking out...
Welcome To My Blog!
Hi there! Welcome to my Blog at Gift8Lives! This is where I'll be posting updates about my project every month. Check back to see what...