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My Sister Joins Gift8Lives, and Selena Gomez's Organ Transplant!

Hello everyone, and Happy Halloween! I hope everyone's been enjoying the fall season so far, but(at least in Michigan) it's been pretty chilly as of late. Anyways, let's get right into this month's blog post!


My Sister Joins Gift8Lives

Recently, my sister(Srishti, a freshman at Troy High) became a Gift of Life Michigan volunteer, because she wanted to join me in my efforts to spread organ donation awareness! I was very happy when she said so, so now I wanted to officially announce it. We have a lot of things planned in the coming years, so stay tuned.

Selena Gomez's Organ Transplant!

This has been all over the news lately, but Selena Gomez just received a kidney transplant from her best friend after battling Lupus for a couple years. It's a great story, and Gomez's fame will definitely encourage many to sign up! Here's a link that explains everything in detail!


That's it for this month! Thanks for reading, and see you next time!

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