Stories of the Gift of Life
Hey everyone, I hope you're all doing well! Let's get right into this month's blog post.
Mother of Oxford shooting victim talks about his life, honoring his memory

Jill Soave, the mother of Justin Shilling, spoke to FOX 2 about Justin's life and honoring his legacy as his loved ones work to move forward.
Seventeen-year-old Justin Shilling was murdered at Oxford last year on Nov. 30th, one of four killed that day.
Justin's mother says he was a scholar student, played every sport - and just visited Oakland University where he wanted to study business, this fall.
In all of the chaos that tragic day, his parents made the decision to donate Justin's organs.
"Each one of them is waiting for a family like Justin's and Justin himself, to step up and say yes to organ donation," said Dorrie Dils, Gift of Life Michigan.
"Truly knowing that Justin spent his final moments protecting another student and saving six lives with his organs that's no small feat," she said.
This was truly a terrible event. The fact that Justin was able to save the lives of others is a testament to his and his family's dedication to the gift of life.
Organ recipient meets donors mother
I wanted to share this truly powerful video, where KeShaunta Scott listened to her sons heart beat in the chest of recipient, Ryan Magill. These experiences are what make this cause so worth it.
That's it for this month, thank you all for reading and see you next time!