Doctor Lectures at Club Med, Organ Donation Instruction Mandatory in Ohio!
Hello everyone, and welcome to this month's blog post!
Doctor Lectures
So this fall, I will be an officer of Club Med, and my duty is to arrange Doctor Lectures for the club. Basically, I contact people involved in the medical field and ask them to come speak to us about their profession. Since club med is a club at troy high for aspiring medical professionals, these doctor lectures give club members the opportunity to learn first-hand from someone in that field. This year, I'm planning to bring in a transplant surgeon and nephrologist among others. which would be a great experience for me and everyone in the club. Since I've interviewed many transplant-related people for Gift8Lives, I have some connections which would be happy to come in and speak.
Mandatory Organ Donation Instruction
So this is some amazing news: Ohio schools are now required to offer organ donation education! Ohio House Bill 438, which was signed into law this past January requires the health curriculum of each school district to include instruction on the positive effect of organ and tissue donation. This would be amazing if it could happen in Michigan! It would also probably increase the number of organ donors by a ton. Great job Ohio!
That's it for this month! Thanks for reading, and I'll see you next time.