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The 5K Celebration of Life and the end of the semester!

Hey everyone, I hope you're all doing well! Apologies for the infrequent blog posts, this semester has been insanely busy (taking organic chemistry and physics at the same time didn't help either). With that said, let's get right into it!


NJ Sharing Network 5K Celebration of Life

On May 15th, the NJ Sharing Network hosted its annual 5K Celebration of Life, which is a walk/run event celebrating the gift of life! It was an absolutely amazing event, and the photo album will be released soon–so if you're interesting in seeing how the rest of it went, check out their facebook page. Unfortunately I couldn't attend due to a final exam being the next day, but I definitely plan to stay involved in other ways throughout this year.

The End of the Semester (and a look forward)!

Having just wrapped up my last semester at TCNJ, I can confidently say I simultaneously had the most fun but also underwent the most stress! Taking organic chemistry and physics together at the same time was tough, but now that it's over with I'm looking forward to studying abroad next semester at Oxford University in England! It'll be a really fun time, and I'll be sure to keep you all updated :)


That's all for this month, thanks for reading and I'll see you next time!


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