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Guiding Hearts Support Group, and meeting Ms. Costello!

Hello everyone and welcome to June's blog post! I'm happy summer's finally here, and this blog post is a big one. Let's get started.


Presenting at the Guiding Hearts Support Group!

I was recently invited to speak at the Guiding Hearts Support Group at Beaumont Troy. The Guiding Hearts Support Group is a group for people with various heart conditions. Many of the members had expressed interest in learning about the gift of life, so I went to talk to them with the intent to answer many questions. As expected, after I went through the slides, we had a great discussion about organ transplantation. Many people expressed their concerns and thoughts about the process, which was great. Below are some pictures from the event.

Meeting Ms. Costello

Earlier this month, my sister and I met Ms. Costello after almost a year, which was great! She is recovering well from the transplant that happened in December 2017. It was nice catching up with her after a long time. Here is a picture from that day.


That's it for this month! Thank you all for reading.

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