Let's Talk!
Hey everyone, and welcome to May's blog post! This month, I participated in Gift of Life Michigan's new organ donation awareness campaign, "Let's Talk"–which is where the title of this blog post takes its name from. Anyway, let's get right into it.
The "Let's Talk" Video
Here's the link to the video: https://bit.ly/2QshZip
Gift of Life Michigan's campaign titled "Let's Talk" aims to foster discussion about organ donation among the minority communities that are in need of the most transplants, yet have the lowest donation rates. Above is the kick-off video for the campaign (which I am featured in!). Please watch this video and share the message with your friends and family! It is crucial that organ donation becomes something that people from all walks of life are able to participate in.
The number of people from multicultural communities who need a transplant is unexpectedly high–and these communities are often reluctant to become donors. On average, twenty people pass away each day while waiting for a transplant, and half of these are minorities.
Thank you! #letstalk
The "Let's Talk" Kick-Off Event
At the kick-off event I attended this past Thursday, I learned that Gift of Life is holding several discussion circles throughout the summer among minority groups–such as with the African-American, Arab-American, and the Hispanic population. In addition, Troy High alum and FOX 2 host Roop Raj was the emcee of said kick-off event! I've attached a few pictures from there.

Overall, it was great to be there. Thank you to Gift of Life Michigan for inviting me!
Presentation at Driver's Ed Classes-April
In early May, Srishti presented at Mr. Czarnik's Driver's Ed classes again–it was an amazing experience as always to be able to speak to those who are about to become organ donors.
Troy High School Freshman Orientation
Gift8Lives hosted a table at the Freshman Orientation, and we were able to sign up many incoming freshman to join Gift8Lives in the fall. It was definitely interesting learning about the perspective on organ donation that the class of 2023 hold!

That's it for this month's blog post! Thank you all for reading and see you next time.